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Adult Daughter Giving Senior Female Pare

24-Hour Care

You’re in Safe Hands

At Gentle Care Nursing Services, we offer professional, reliable 24-Hour Care services to all of our clients. Our home care services take all your specific requests and demands into consideration and guarantee personalised services. Whatever the hour may be, our qualified staff are readily available to cater to your medical needs.

Older Person with Nurse goes for a Walk

Respite Care

Professional. Reliable. Qualified Practitioners.

 At Gentle Care Nursing Services, We understand that caring for your loved ones can be tough at times and also that going to a care facility is not always an option. We provide professional, qualified staff to meet the needs of you and your loved one while you take a well deserved break, or to support you or your loved one while you break together. We offer around the clock home care services to ensure that our clients get the attention they deserve. Contact us today and learn how you can benefit from our Respite care services.

Beautiful 80 plus year old senior woman

Palliative & Dementia Care

Care, Comfort, Peace of Mind.

Our highly trained team, is skilled and qualified to care for you or your loved one as life is approached with a terminal or life limiting illness. We provide care tailored to you or your loved ones needs to make these difficult times as pain free, stress free and comfortable as possible. Feel free to contact us to discuss what options we may have available for you and your loved ones today.

Woman in Wheelchair in Greenhouse

Mobility Aids

Professional, Reliable, Equipment.

We are able to provide you and your loved ones with mobility aids as required, and ensure that our staff are suitably trained to use the equipment. We are able to source specialised mobility aids at competitive prices. Please don't hesitate to ask if you require further information.

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